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Approximate distances between two points or across the horizontal and vertical centerlines of a bounding box.


approx_distances(x, y = NULL, projection = NULL, target = NULL)



object that can be coerced to a bounding box with bb, or a pair of coordintes (vector of two). In the former case, the distance across the horizontal and vertical centerlines of the bounding box are approximated. In the latter case, y is also required; the distance between points x and y is approximated.


a pair of coordintes, vector of two. Only required when x is also a pair of coordintes.


projection code, needed in case x is a bounding box or when x and y are pairs of coordinates. See get_proj4


target unit, one of: "m", "km", "mi", and "ft".


If y is specifyed, a list of two: unit and dist. Else, a list of three: unit, hdist (horizontal distance) and vdist (vertical distance).

See also


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
if (require(tmap)) {

    # North-South and East-West distances of the Netherlands

    # Distance between Maastricht and Groningen
    p_maastricht <- geocode_OSM("Maastricht")$coords
    p_groningen <- geocode_OSM("Groningen")$coords
    approx_distances(p_maastricht, p_groningen, projection = 4326, target = "km")

    # Check distances in several projections
    sapply(c(3035, 28992, 4326), function(projection) {
        p_maastricht <- geocode_OSM("Maastricht", projection = projection)$coords
        p_groningen <- geocode_OSM("Groningen", projection = projection)$coords
        approx_distances(p_maastricht, p_groningen, projection = projection)
} # }