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tmap 4.0 (development version)

  • For consistency with ggplot2, tm_polygons() now recognizes the fill argument instead of col.

  • Similarly, border.col is now col.

  • tmap now requires R 3.6 and above.

  • In view mode, hover is now independent from id (#851).

  • tm_vars() is a new function for multivariate scale (#819)

  • New family of functions tm_chart_*() to do charting (See ?tm_chart) (#581)

tmap 3.3-4

CRAN release: 2023-09-12

  • (!) last version of tmap 3.x. Next CRAN version will be tmap 4.x (release planned at the end of 2023)
  • fixed bug (some stars appeared upside down in plot mode)
  • fixed newly introduced shiny bug (#767)

tmap 3.3-3

CRAN release: 2022-03-02

  • added device to tmap_save()
  • fixed many small bugs (see GitHub issue list)

tmap 3.3-2

CRAN release: 2021-06-16

  • Worlds has been fixed (it is now ‘s2’ proof, see GitHub issue #564)

tmap 3.3-1

CRAN release: 2021-03-15

  • fixed view titles
  • added html.escape to popup.format to control whether html code is escaped in view popups
  • fixed many small bugs (see GitHub issue list)

tmap 3.3

CRAN release: 2021-01-19

  • tmap_grob() added, which exports tmap plots to grob objects (grid package)
  • SpatRaster objects (terra package) supported
  • fixed many small bugs (see GitHub issue list)

tmap 3.2

CRAN release: 2020-09-15

  • tmap_animation() improved: now using av and gifski under the hood; added progress bar; lists of tmap objects supported; improved default settings
  • improved tmapOutput(); it now works with reactive shiny objects
  • improved internally used margins; also small exported maps look good (see example tmap_save())
  • improved tmap_design_mode(); is now a global option (and not a tmap option anymore)
  • reexported providers from leafet
  • added show.warnings to tmap_options()
  • added width argument to tm_credits()
  • tm_text() improved: added “id” argument, and tm_remove_layer() can be applied to it

tmap 3.1

CRAN release: 2020-07-09

  • interactive maps in origin CRS working: tmap_options(projection = 0, basemaps = NULL)
  • added tm_mouse_coordinates() to show mouse coordinates in view mode
  • added tmap_design_mode() to toggle the design mode.
  • made backgrond symbol grob shapes transparent
  • added in.iframe and selfcontained to tmap_save()
  • improved tm_add_legend(): added type = "title" for title only legend elements
  • added ttmp() which shows the last map in the other mode.
  • fixed many small bugs (see GitHub issue list)

tmap 3.0

CRAN release: 2020-04-09

  • [!] spatial rasters/arrays now implemented using the stars package (instead of the raster package)
  • as.count argument added to layer functions; numeric variables can be treated as count variables (integers)
  • drop.levels argument added to layer functions which allows to drop unused levels
  • new style added for color classes: “dpih” and “headtails”; also added style.args to pass on arguments to classInt::classIntervals()
  • grid labels specification per axis
  • fixed bug with geometry collection

tmap 2.3-2

CRAN release: 2020-01-19

  • probably last version before release of tmap 3.0
  • many small improvements and bug fixes (see GitHub)
  • first stars supported (full support expected in tmap 3.0)
  • replaced projection shortcuts with "epsg/proj4strings" in examples

tmap 2.3-1

CRAN release: 2019-09-17

  • improved popups in view mode
  • added validity checks for sf objects
  • minor bugs fixed: see GitHub issue list

tmap 2.3

CRAN release: 2019-07-18

tmap 2.2

CRAN release: 2019-01-05

  • improved tm_rgb()
  • improved breaks in interactive maps
  • added bbox argument to qtm()
  • improved projection shortcut codes (using EPSG database)
  • fixed several bugs (see GitHub)

tmap 2.1-1

CRAN release: 2018-08-09

  • fixed two small bugs

tmap 2.1

CRAN release: 2018-08-06

  • added option max.raster (maximum raster size)
  • made rasters in view mode faster
  • bug fixed for geometry collection objects without data in view mode
  • improved handling of manual palettes
  • tmap_arrange() can take a list of tmap objects

tmap 2.0

CRAN release: 2018-07-15

  • [!] tmap migrated from sp to sf. sp objects are still supported, but all internal functions are based on sf
  • [!] added tm_sf() which draws sf objects
  • [!] renamed all *_tmap() functions (e.g. save_tmap()) to tmap_*() for consistency
  • [!] added tm_basemap() and tm_tiles(): now, multiple (overlay) tiled maps can be shown
  • [!] rearranged tmap options, styles and formats. See tmap_options(), tmap_style(), tmap_format(), tm_style() and tm_format()
  • [!] added filter argument to tm_shape() and added colorNULL to layer functions
  • added tm_minimap()
  • added remove.NA.facets to tm_facets()
  • units data columns are supported
  • tmap_animation() enhanced with loop options
  • added tmap_tips()
  • all changes are backwards compatible with 1.11-2
  • vignettes rewritten, including a vignette that describes the changes of 2.0

tmap 1.11-2

CRAN release: 2018-04-10

  • added references to JSS paper (including citation)

tmap 1.11-1

CRAN release: 2018-02-13

  • fixed bug in labels argument of tm_fill()
  • fixed bug regarding legend symbols in facets with free scales
  • fixed bug in rasters in view mode
  • improved popup width in view mode

tmap 1.11

CRAN release: 2017-11-24

  • added text.align and to legend.format
  • legend.(aes).reverse added to the layer functions
  • symbol shapes can be put in a list for small multiples, and named according the values of the variable specified with the shape argument
  • grid labels can now be rotated and formatted
  • changed default values of free.coords and drop.units in tm_facets()
  • fixed bug with all NAs in view mode
  • fixed bug with dismo::gmap() raster shapes
  • fixed bug for ambiguous values for aesthetics (e.g. when “blue” is also a variable name)
  • NOTE: this will be the last version before the major update (in which sf fully replaces sp)

tmap 1.10

CRAN release: 2017-05-11

  • [!] tm_scale_bar(), tm_text(), and tm_grid() now supported in view mode (requires leaflet 1.1.0)
  • added along argument to tm_facets(), which enables faceting along multiple pages (or animation frames)
  • added main.title argument to tm_layout
  • added tmap_options(), including the new option tmap.unit (“metric” or “imperial”“)
  • improved automatic labelling of breaks
  • improved legend in view mode: missing values are shown by default (like in plot mode)
  • improved bubble scaling in view mode
  • fixed bug aspect ratio bug

tmap 1.8-1

CRAN release: 2017-01-29

  • added tm_rgb() (shortcut for rgb rasters)
  • fixed interactive maps in R Markdown
  • fixed bug in qtm() called without arguments

tmap 1.8

CRAN release: 2017-01-03

  • [!] package split: non-plotting functions migrated to tmaptools
  • added tmap_arrange() for arranging custom small multiples
  • added simplify argument to tm_shape()
  • added error message for NA-projected shapes in view mode
  • improved unit handling, which now can be set to metric or imperial
  • NA values allowed in direct color variables
  • sf (simple features) objects supported

tmap 1.6-1

CRAN release: 2016-10-29

  • improved projections: code is more efficient now and shortcuts are renewed. Also, CRS objects are now supported for all project arguments (e.g. tm_shape(), set_projection), and as.CRS is added to get_projection and get_proj4.
  • Rscript works: methods is moved from imports to depends

tmap 1.6

CRAN release: 2016-10-21

  • [!] tm_symbols() added, to create proportional symbol maps: besides bubbles, it also supports other symbol shapes, png icons, and small ggplot2 plots
  • [!] imported cartogram function from cartogram package (thanks Sebastian!)
  • [!] reverse geocoding function tmaptools::rev_geocode_OSM() added
  • [!] tm_logo() added
  • added popup.vars to base layer functions
  • bounding box (argument bbox in tm_shape()) working in view mode
  • tmaptools::geocode_OSM() improved: a SpatialPointsDataFrame can now be returned
  • last_tmap() added, which retrieves the last produced map
  • crop_shape can also handle polygons as cropping area
  • append_data improved; the under and over coverage information can be retrieved with under_coverage and over_coverage
  • interpolate parameter added to tm_raster()
  • added support for custom legend formatting functions
  • legend items can now be stacked horizontally
  • legend width and height can be determined fully manually (with negative values for legend.height and legend.width)
  • argument interval.closure added to layer functions to determine where intervals are closed
  • added warnings for non-supported elements in view mode
  • fixed raster brick bug
  • fixed save_tmap/get_asp_ratifo bug

tmap 1.4-1

CRAN release: 2016-05-07

  • add just argument as anchor for text labels, legend and attributes position
  • map attributes (such as scale bar) can be placed outside the frame
  • added tm_xlab() and tm_ylab()
  • RGB raster support, see tm_raster
  • static text (i.e titles, credits, legend titles, labels) support expressions
  • updated Europe shape: projection and bounding box are now consistent with Eurostat publications
  • added crop_shape, a convenient wrapper around raster::crop()

tmap 1.4

CRAN release: 2016-03-18

  • [!] interactive mapping added. Now, tmap has two modes: “plot” (graphics device) and “view” (interactive viewer, which is a leaflet widget)
  • [!] facets (small multiples) improved: group by two variables possible, panel layout added, missing data can be shown separately
  • added geocode_OSM(), a function to find coordinates (now tmaptools::geocode_OSM())
  • improved set_projection for raster objects
  • added double_line and offset_line
  • added insets option in save_tmap
  • improved default settings for contrast argument regarding seq and div palettes
  • improved automatic positions of legend and map attributes (more specifically, legend snaps to right-hand side without need to adjust legend.width, and legend and attributes position improved when double frame is enabled)
  • improved tm_layouts()’s design.mode output
  • lwd parameter added to tm_scale_bar() and tm_compass()
  • fixed bb bug

tmap 1.2-1

  • fixed bug with PROJ.4 version < 4.9.1
  • improved error messages
  • rd projection reset to "+init=epsg:28992", since the latter now has a "+towgs" item
  • fixed bug of print.tmap() returned object

tmap 1.2

CRAN release: 2015-12-11

  • added read_osm(), a function to read Open Street Map data (now tmaptools::read_osm())
  • added bb, a handy bounding box function
  • added layout themes with tm_style and tm_format
  • added automatic text labeling
  • added interactive SVG, that can be opened in RStudio (see itmap)
  • added map compass (tm_compass())
  • added text aesthetics size and col
  • added automatic map coloring
  • added earth boundary, which is useful for projected world maps World
  • added warped grid lines (e.g. long-lat lines can be shown in projected maps)
  • added new color scale modes (enabled with style="cat", “cont”, and “order”)
  • added save_tmap()
  • added smooth_map, smooth_raster_cover, sample_dots, points_to_raster and poly_to_raster
  • added read_GPX
  • improved automatic layout regarding title, legend, and map attributes
  • layer arguments, e.g. palette, can take multiple values for small multiples
  • improved grid lines (labels can also be placed outside frame)
  • arguments free.coords and drop.shapes of tm_facets() working
  • updated examples and vignette
  • fixed viewport bug
  • see ?tmap for a structured overview of all tmap functions

tmap 1.0

CRAN release: 2015-05-28

tmap 0.8

tmap 0.7.1

  • fixed bug in scale parameter (global scale set in tm_layout())

tmap 0.7

CRAN release: 2015-03-27

  • enhanced small multiples (tm_facets()) with respect to scaling and free coordinate scales
  • added alpha argument to tm_layers() for transparency
  • added text shadow argument
  • added function split() to split a shape object and sbind() to combine shape objects.
  • added automatic legend positioning when legend.position = NULL
  • improved number formatting in legend
  • improved inner.margins and outer.margins. Both can take one value (e.g. outer.margins=0 rather than outer.margins=c(0,0,0,0))
  • improved qtm(): tm_facets() parameters working, and also fixed scale parameter bug
  • improved all examples for approx_areas, calc_densities
  • fixed bug regarding drawing a frame with outer.margins=0.
  • fixed bug in plotting bubbles
  • improved temp file handling in animation_tmap()
  • added functions to get and set polygon directions, and to calculate the intersection ratios of polygons (intersection_shapes)

tmap 0.6

CRAN release: 2014-07-30

  • this is the the first CRAN version
  • a newer version may be available on
  • to get started, see the package vignette ‘tmap in a nutshell’ and the help files
  • if you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me (mtennekes at gmail dot com)