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tmap is an R package for spatial data visualization.

Map layers

A (thematic) map consists of one or more map layers. Each map layer has a specific set of variables that determine how the objects of that layer are drawn. A visual variable changes the appearance of a spatial object, e.g. fill color or line width.

The following table shows which visual variables are used in standard map layers.

Map layer Visual variables
tm_polygons fill (fill color), fill_alpha (fill transparency),
col (border color), col_alpha (border color transparency)
lwd (border line width), lty (border line type)
tm_symbols size, shape
fill (fill color), fill_alpha (fill transparency),
col (border color), col_alpha (border color transparency)
lwd (border line width) lty (border line type)
tm_lines col (border color), col_alpha (border color transparency)
lwd (line width) lty (line type)
tm_raster col (color), col_alpha (transparency)
tm_text text (the text itself), size (font size),
col (border color), col_alpha (border color transparency)
fontface (font face), fontfamily (font family)

About the example data

A spatial data object contained in tmap is called World. It is a data frame with a row for each country. The columns are the following data variables plus an additional geometry column which contains the geometries (see sf package):

#>  [1] "iso_a3"       "name"         "sovereignt"   "continent"    "area"        
#>  [6] "pop_est"      "pop_est_dens" "economy"      "income_grp"   "gdp_cap_est" 
#> [11] "life_exp"     "well_being"   "footprint"    "HPI"          "inequality"  
#> [16] "gender"       "press"        "geometry"

We specify this object with tm_shape and for convenience assign it to s:

s <- tm_shape(World, crs = "+proj=eqearth")

Constant visual values

Each visual variable can be assigned with a contant value. E.g. fill = "red" or size = 2.

An example where several visual variables are specified with constant values:

s + 
    fill = "#ffce00", # fill color
    col = "black",    # line color
    lwd = 0.5,        # line width
    lty = "dashed")   # line type

For advanced users: the default constant values are specified for combinations of visual variables and layer type. See tmap_options("value.const")

Data-driven visual variables

Each visual variable argument can also be specified with a data variable (e.g., a column name):

s + tm_polygons(fill = "press")    # a column in World

Another example, where a data-driven symbol layer is drawn on top of a polygon layer

s + 
  tm_polygons(fill = "grey90") +   # constant fill color 
  tm_symbols(size = "pop_est",     # data variable, mapped to symbol size
             fill = "well_being",  # data variable, mapped to symbol fill color
             shape = "income_grp") # data variable, mapped to symbol shape
#> [plot mode] legend/component: Some components or legends are too "high" and are
#> therefore rescaled.
#>  Set the tmap option `component.autoscale = FALSE` to disable rescaling.

In the following example a data-driven text layer is plotted.

s + 
  tm_polygons(fill = "economy") +
  tm_text(text = "name", size = "area")

Scales and legend

For each data-driven visual variable, a scale and legend can be specified. See other vignettes.


A facet map is created by specifying two data variables (columns in World) to the visual variable fill:

s + tm_polygons(fill = c("well_being", "life_exp")) 

Improve the titles and remove (duplicate) legend titles

s + 
    fill = c("well_being", "life_exp"),
    fill.legend = tm_legend("")) +
tm_layout(panel.labels = c("Well Being", "Life Expectancy"))