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Get grid layout of Dutch provinces

nl_prov_grid1 = geofacet::nl_prov_grid1
class(nl_prov_grid1) = "data.frame"

nl_prov_grid1 = nl_prov_grid1 |>
    mutate(name = ifelse(name == "Friesland", "Fryslan", name)) |>

Join with NLD datasets in tmap

NLD_prov2 = NLD_prov |>
              by = "name")

NLD_muni2 = NLD_muni |>
    left_join(NLD_prov2 |>
                st_drop_geometry() |>
                select(name, row, col), by = c("province" = "name"))

NLD_dist2 = NLD_dist |>
    left_join(NLD_prov2 |>
                st_drop_geometry() |>
                select(name, row, col), by = c("province" = "name"))

The map

tm_shape(NLD_dist2) +
            fill.scale = tm_scale_intervals(breaks = c(50, 250, 350, 500, 750, 1600), as.count = FALSE),
            fill.legend = tm_legend("", position = tm_pos_on_top("left", "top"), frame = FALSE)) +
    tm_facets_grid(rows = "row", columns = "col") +
tm_shape(NLD_muni2) +
    tm_borders(lwd = 1) +
    tm_facets_grid(rows = "row", columns = "col") +
tm_shape(NLD_prov2) +
    tm_borders(lwd = 2) +
    tm_facets_grid(rows = "row", columns = "col") +
tm_layout( = FALSE) +
    tm_title("Average dwelling value (in thousand Euros)")