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  • tm_facets_wrap() specify facets for one grouping variable (so one faceting dimension).

  • tm_facets_(hv)stack() stacks the facets either horizontally or vertically (one grouping variable).

  • tm_facets_grid() supports up to three faceting dimensions.

  • tm_facets_pagewise() can be used to replace the old along argument.

  • tm_facets_flip() can be used to flip facets.

  • tm_facets() is the core function, but it is recommended to use the other functions.


  by = NULL,
  rows = NULL,
  columns = NULL,
  pages = NULL,
  as.layers = FALSE,
  nrow = NA,
  ncol = NA,
  byrow = TRUE,
  orientation = NA,
  free.coords = NA,
  drop.units = TRUE,
  drop.empty.facets = TRUE,
  drop.NA.facets = FALSE,
  sync = TRUE,
  na.text = NA,
  scale.factor = 2,
  type = NA,
  along = NULL,
  free.scales = NULL,

tm_facets_grid(rows = NULL, columns = NULL, pages = NULL, ...)

tm_facets_wrap(by = "VARS__", nrow = NA, ncol = NA, byrow = TRUE, ...)

tm_facets_pagewise(by = "VARS__", nrow = 1, ncol = 1, byrow = TRUE, ...)

tm_facets_stack(by = "VARS__", orientation = NA, ...)

tm_facets_hstack(by = "VARS__", ...)

tm_facets_vstack(by = "VARS__", ...)




Group by variable (only for a facet wrap or facet stack)


Variable that specifies the rows (only for a facet grid)


Variable that specifies the columns (only for a facet grid)


Variable that specifies the pages (only for a facet grid)


show facets as layers?


Number of rows


Number of columns


Should facets be wrapped by row?


For facet stack: horizontal or vertical?


Logical. If the by argument is specified, should each map has its own coordinate ranges? By default TRUE, unless facets are shown in as different layers (as.layers = TRUE)


Logical. If the by argument is specified, should non-selected spatial units be dropped? If FALSE, they are plotted where mapped aesthetics are regarded as missing values. Not applicable for raster shapes. By default TRUE.


Logical. If the by argument is specified, should empty facets be dropped? Empty facets occur when the by-variable contains unused levels. When TRUE and two by-variables are specified, empty rows and columns are dropped.


Logical. If the by argument is specified, and all data values for specific facets are missing, should these facets be dropped? FALSE by default. In v3, it was called showNA.


Logical. Should the navigation in view mode (zooming and panning) be synchronized? By default TRUE if the facets have the same bounding box. This is generally the case when rasters are plotted, or when free.coords is FALSE.


Text used for facets of missing values. In v3, it was textNA.


Number that determines how the elements (e.g. font sizes, symbol sizes, line widths) of the small multiples are scaled in relation to the scaling factor of the shapes. The elements are scaled to the scale.factorth root of the scaling factor of the shapes. So, for scale.factor = 1, they are scaled proportional to the scaling of the shapes. Since elements, especially text, are often too small to read, a higher value is recommended. By default, scale.factor = 2.


"grid", "wrap" or "stack"


deprecated Please use tm_facets_pagewise()


deprecated. Please use the .free arguments in the layer functions, e.g. in tm_polygons.


passed on to tm_facets()


tm_shape(NLD_dist) +
    fill.scale = tm_scale_intervals(values = "pu_gn", style = "kmeans", n = 7)) +
  tm_facets(by = "province") +
tm_shape(NLD_muni) +
  tm_borders(lwd = 3) +
  tm_facets(by = "province") +
tm_title("Population with a univeristy degree (incl appl. sciences), percentages")
#> [plot mode] fit legend/component: Some legend items or map compoments do not
#> fit well, and are therefore rescaled.
#>  Set the tmap option `component.autoscale = FALSE` to disable rescaling.

tm_shape(World) +
  tm_polygons(c("gender", "press"),
    fill.scale = list(tm_scale_intervals(values = "bu_br_div", midpoint = 0.5),
      tm_scale_intervals(values = "pu_gn_div", midpoint = 50)),
    fill.legend = tm_legend("")) +
tm_layout(panel.labels = c("Gender Inequality Index (GII)", "World Press Freedom Index"))