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Scales in tmap are configured by the family of functions with prefix tm_scale. Such function should be used for the input of the .scale arguments in the layer functions (e.g. fill.scale in tm_polygons()). The function tm_scale_asis() is used to take data values as they are and use them as such for the visual variable.


tm_scale_asis(values.scale = NA, value.neutral = NA, ...)



(generic scale argument) Scaling of the values. Only useful for size-related visual variables, such as size of tm_symbols() and lwd of tm_lines().


(generic scale argument) Value that can be considered neutral. This is used for legends of other visual variables of the same map layer. E.g. when both fill and size are used for tm_symbols() (using filled circles), the size legend items are filled with the value.neutral color from the fill.scale scale, and fill legend items are bubbles of size value.neutral from the size.scale scale.


Arguments caught (and not used) from the automatic function tm_scale()

See also